Easter at Urban Crofters
Join us on Maundy Thursday, 28th March, for our Communion service, from 6.30-7.30pm in the church, as we contemplate Holy Week together.
On Good Friday we will have a chance to spend some time in reflection as we join together for worship, prayer and quiet contemplation in our ‘Hour by the Cross’, 29th March, 12-1pm.
From Midnight on Saturday 30th March until 6am on Easter morning, Sunday 31st March, we would love to invite you to join us for a half night of prayer as we begin our journey into Easter Day.
On Easter Day, Sunday 31st March, we will begin with an early morning sunrise service on Garth Hill. Leaving the church at 6am, sunrise service at 6.45am, followed by breakfast. Email the team to let us know you can make it: urbancrofters@gmail.com.
Come and celebrate Easter Day with us as a family. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbours to a fun-filled service! Coffee, tea and hot cross buns from 10.30, followed by a bring-and-share lunch at 12.30 – everyone welcome – we’d love to see you there.